Living the LIFE you’ve always wanted using the Mental Fitness Challenge!

How is your fitness?

If you are like most people in our country you instantly thought of your weight, figure, or body image! Somewhere we have lost sight of our mental fitness! There is no shortage of diet plans, weight loss products, new exercise programs, or techniques.

Here is the problem with all of the fitness challenges, they all require mental fitness or they don’t work!

Let me explain. Every year in the beginning of January health clubs around the world have record enrollments and jammed parking lots! Only a few weeks later many of the new enrollees are gone and you can park right up front with no trouble.

Why? You see the health clubs, exercise equipment, and diet foods have always been there waiting for you to make a mental decision to use them! New Year’s resolutions are just decisions based on a new year, but most resolutions fail not because they are a bad idea, but because the person lacks the thinking and discipline to carry it out.

The Mental Fitness Challenge is a program designed to give you the life you’ve always wanted through better thinking and better association. You see, it will never be a better product, piece of equipment, or the latest craze that changes you, only your thinking can do that!

We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Albert Einstein

Rarely do we find men who willingly engage in hard, solid thinking. There is an almost universal quest for easy answers and half-baked solutions. Nothing pains some people more than having to think.
Martin Luther King, Jr.

Formal education will make you a living; self-education will make you a fortune.
Jim Rohn

You can read thousands of quotes from successful people all stating that the key to success is learning better ideas and applying them in your life. This MFC program is designed to give you the thinking it takes to succeed in any area you chose to improve. Maybe you want to lose weight, be a better parent or spose, or maybe improve you financial situation. The key to better results are better ideas!

Here is a short summary of the Mental Fitness Challenge from best selling author Chris Brady:

What is it? A life-changing package of information, including three best-selling books, a bunch of CDs, an online environment for tracking progress, a video library which accumulates for future viewing as videos stream in through email on a regular basis, a self-assessment test, unlimited 360 feedback, accountability partners, goal and tracking sheets, and more! This product encompasses years and years of learning how people change and maximize in their lives in all the 13 areas of resolutions from Orrin Woodward’s best seller RESOLVED.

I dare you to take the 90 Day Mental Fitness Challenge and begin to live the life you’ve always wanted!

God bless,

Dan Hawkins